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What do you think she would say to you?

"If Earth Could Speak", The Book

Author Kirk Hylan defines the complete global solution to prepare for Climate Change and the countermeasures needed to succeed.

This exciting new release outlines a course of action that will save our planet for future generations.


 "If Earth Could Speak” by Kirk Hylan


  • Paperback:  SOLD OUT!

  • Ebook now available for free download
    in PDF format.

  • Audiobook available soon.

  • Check back for updates.





Climate Change: 8 Reasons Why You Should be Afraid   

According to the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, here’s what we have to look forward to if this patterns continues, unabated:


  1. Coastal flooding will cause destruction and kill people

  2. Some will go hungry due to warming, drought and severe downpours

  3. Big cites will be damaged by inland flooding

  4. Water shortages will make the poor even poorer in rural areas

  5. Crazy weather and storms can make life miserable by damaging some of the things we take for granted such as electricity, running water and emergency services

  6. Fish and other marine animals could be in trouble, jeopardizing fishing communities.

  7. Some land animals won’t do much better and that’s not good for people who depend on them

  8. Heat waves, especially in cities, will kill the elderly and very young


So far, scientists haven’t come up with the solutions or the next step in this scary scenario.

The First Action Plan

In times of crisis, in most cases, your worst action is inaction. If Earth Could Speak presents the first and only action plan for our global response to climate change. There is a solution, explained here in concept form.

22 major points to consider resolved in this book:
  • the elimination of water stresses and shortages

  • the complete elimination of worldwide hunger

  • the complete eradication of the need for the terms “poverty level” and “poverty line”

  • a measured response for the eruption of volcanos

  • prevention of Dust Bowl and top soil losses

  • the elimination of sinking land masses due to water table extraction

  • the reversal of expanding deserts, (which is China’s biggest problem)

  • the halting of water pollution

  • the reversal of bee colony collapse

  • the elimination of the jellyfish infestation and proliferation problem

  • feasible protection of the Gulf Stream

  • the elimination of dead zones along our coasts due to river runoff from pesticides and fertilizers

  • the elimination of many carcinogenic substances in our air, water, and food

  • the restoration of natural plant growth, eliminating the rationale for GMOs

  • global economic stability

  • the underlying premises and causes of terrorism

  • the global rising of sea levels

  • protection for cities that are vulnerable to rising sea levels, such as Venice and New York City.

  • the current state of electricity

  • a new global economic model for the future generations to implement

  • the moderation or complete stoppage of the rising of global temperature

  • and most importantly: the transformation of Earth into the largest carbon processing plant that we could ever hope to have, (one which serves multiple items aforementioned)

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Within this book, the first and only plan for our global responses to changes in the climate is explained, in concept-form. There is a solution. It exists here. In times of crisis, in most cases, your worst action is inaction.

Creative Direction & Design: Starck Design


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for Speaking Engagements

If you would like to hear the solution to prepare for and the countermeasures to Climate Change presented live and in person, please provide your contact information below.

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